our ancestors needed to encourage cooperation and tolerance among relative strangers
Answer:Conflict developed between Spanish settlers and Native Americans in the Southwest in that the Native Americans began to fight over buffalo herds.
Explanation:Spanish leaders formed alliances with some of the Indian tribes and provided them with tools, crops, livestock, and arms. The new materials available to these tribes gave them superior weaponry over their enemies. As Indians acquired horses, they became more mobile.
As there are no options included, this may not be precise.
In our country, we live in a <u>DEMOCRATIC</u> republic which is governed by the United States <u>GOVERNMENT</u>. To prevent tyranny, the founders established a system of <u>CHECKS</u> and <u>BALANCES</u>.
The founder chose to create <u>THREE</u> branches of government. The court system is called the <u>JUDICIAL</u> branch, the law making body is called the <u>LEGISLATIVE</u> branch and the office of the President is called the <u>EXECUTIVE</u> branch.
C. Stop roving bands of outlaws from terrorising the backcountry
The Regulators formed in 1764 and their main purpose was to have a better government and reduce the taxes that were put on them. At first the Regulators started off as just protesting, but over time it turned into a whole militia and became quite violent. The wealthy men in North Carolina despised the Regulators and saw them as an overall threat to their business and/or wealth, so they called in the actual colonial militia to kill them.
Answer:Центурион, главный профессиональный офицер в армиях древнего Рима и его ... пилус, участвовал в военных советах с военными трибунами и командиром легиона. ... Зарегистрируйтесь здесь, чтобы увидеть, что произошло в этот день, каждый день в вашем почтовом ящике! ... Следите за новостной рассылкой Britannica, чтобы получать достоверные истории