The results of the War of 1812, which was fought between the United Kingdom and the United States from 1812 to 1815, included no immediate boundary changes. The British suspended their policy of impressment of American sailors since there was no need to resume it. ...
At the same time, labor unions won long-term employment contracts and other benefits for their members. Farmers, on the other hand, faced tough times. Gains in productivity led to agricultural overproduction, as farming became a big business. Small family farms found it increasingly difficult to compete, and more and more farmers left the land.
Maya: Created hieroglyphic writing system
Developed the accurate calendar systems
Constructed Chichen Itza
Aztec: Built Tenochtitlan
Sustained 20mil population
Grew floating gardens
The "one-state solution" refers to a resolution of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict through the creation of a unitary, federal or confederate Israeli-Palestinian state, which would encompass all of the present territory of Israel, the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and possibly the Gaza Strip and Golan Heights.