Based on this information, what we can conclude about what Joey told Jessica and Felicia about the cabin is:
Joey told them something horrifying.
In general, what makes us afraid of falling asleep is something horrifying. For most people, horror movies or stories will do the trick, especially if they think they will dream about whatever it is they saw or that was described. This seems to be the case with the cabin Joey described. He probably talked of an abandoned cabin in the woods, where creaking noises can be heard and where hikers claim to have seen a ghost or monster of some kind. No wonder Felicia would push it to the back of her mind. Such a description would certainly make her afraid, maybe even make its way into her dreams.
b. Adjective clause
The subordinate clause in this sentence is "who bought me a puppy for my birthday" and it functions as an adjective because it modifies the noun phrase "the one" (like adjectives and adjective phrases, adjective clauses describe or add information about a noun element in the sentence).
"Michelle is terrified of spiders<u>. W</u>hen she found one in the bathroom, she panicked, refusing to shower for three days."
hey !!!!!!
so i can't really get into the site, so can you just type the words down here? thanks.
I am going to be speaking the truth.
i will be speaking the truth.