Los partidos políticos, con el fin de lograr o recuperar la credibilidad ante los ciudadanos, deben llevar a cabo tres importantes medidas:
- Hacer promesas creíbles: a pesar de que muchos piensan lo contrario, los ciudadanos suelen reconocer cuando están siendo engañados y les están prometiendo cosas imposibles de llevar a cabo, por esta razón, es importante, que los partidos políticos solo prometan cosas que realmente pueden llevar a la práctica.
- Cumplir en la medida de lo posible esas promesas: una vez el partido político accede al poder, este debe hacer todo lo posible por cumplir las promesas de campaña. Sino lo hacen, los votantes se sentirán defraudados y la credibilidad del partido disminuirá.
- Estar conformado por personas competentes que no sean corruptas: si los miembros del partido no están capacitados, no harán su trabajo bien, y el partido perderá credibilidad. Y sobra decir que un escándalo de corrupción es quizás lo que más reduce la credibilidad de un partido frente a sus votantes.
Most researchers and experts on autism assert that there is no link between vaccination and autism in children
Research suggest that autism is majorly caused by genetic disorders, though it is also caused by non-genetic factors and environmental factors. however, scientist and autism experts agree that autism is not caused by vaccination of children against diseases.
To complete the sentence and to be produce a correct sentence structure and grammar, the answers should be thinks and are. To complete the sentence, it is read as the following; "The world-journal thinks that the justices of the supreme court are wrong in this case."
To be forgiven for past sins. The Pope offered forgiveness for anyone who took part. This was important for knights who had killed many people in battle.
To see the world, have an adventure and prove their bravery.
To get land overseas. This was tempting for a younger son who would not inherit his father's lands.
Serfs, peasants who belonged to their lord, joined the Crusades because the Pope promised them their freedom if they went.
To gain wealth.
Kings encouraged troublesome knights to go on Crusade because it got them out of the country.
Answer: The Columbian exchange moved commodities, people, and diseases across the Atlantic. ... Native Americans had been growing tobacco for medicinal and ritual ... French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese colonists all grew it for the world market. ... Environmental and health effects of European contact with the New World.