The correct answers to these open questions are the following.
The two different types of Nazi Camps were the following.
The Nazi built two types of Nazi camps: concentration camps and extermination camps.
Concentration camps were used by the Nazis to take prisoners and contain them. In these camps, Jewish people were prisoners and were forced to labor in extremely harsh conditions. Thousands of people died in these camps due to the exhaustive work.
On the other hand, extermination camps were built to kill people and bury them there. Nazis built gas chambers where they killed millions of people.
Sobibor was an extermination camp and was located in Poland.
Russian Prisoners of War (POWS) were sent to Sobibor because there they could die from mass starvation.
Answer: D. The second national bank was chartered in 1816
On January 29, 1919, Congress ratified the 18th Amendment, which prohibited the manufacturing, transportation and sale of alcohol within the United States; it would go into effect the following January
The Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol.
Facism and Nazism developed out of a general crisis of the European political system connected with the rise of the mass participation state from the late nineteenth century to the end of World War I. The mass participation state was marked by five features: an unprecedented expansion of the number of voters brought on by universal manhood suffrage and in some cases by the extension of the vote to women; the development of mass communications; a high degree of mass mobilization, initially by revolutionary socialist parties; new economic and social demands put forward by democratic and revolutionary organizations; and fragmented, poorly organized middle-class political party structures, largely legacies of the nineteenth-century restricted franchise. Fascism was motivated by deep-seated fears of social and political disintegration and of political revolution on the part of both ruling elites and large sectors of the middle and lower-middle classes. These classes had little to gain from a socialist revolution. Fascist and Nazi movements appeared throughout Europe during the period between World Wars I and II, but only in Italy and Germany did they come to power and develop into regimes.