According to Adam Smith, self-interest and competition act as an invisible hand, guiding firms in a market based economy.
Say NO to ALL of them.
Decline the offer of a cigarette but sit them down and explain that cigarettes will slowly kill them and that you don't want them to die because they are one of your closest friends.
Call the cops on the party for underage consumption of alcohol.
Report the student for handling marijuana, especially since in a lot of places it's still illegal.
Eventually stage an intervention for your drug addict friend, or at least call her some help if all else fails.
Toddling, walking without support, standing on one leg, running with stiff legs, kicking a ball.
This is the proper sequencing of gross motor development that most toddlers follow. Gross motor development refers to the development of the large muscles in the body. As children develop these muscles, it allows them to perform the main actions necessary for everyday action. Some other activities that toddlers are usually able to perform are squatting to pick something up, crawling up stairs and creeping back down, sitting on a small chair and pulling a toy behind them while walking.
The answer to the question asked about the ruler of which first civilization based their authority on the mandate of heaven is China. It is used to rule the emperor of China. This mandate was first conceptualize to eliminate the Shang Dynasty and replaced by the Zhou Dynasty