It goes like:
#taking inpit for n numbers user wanna enter and save it in a variable n,
n=int(input("Enter the no. of no you want to enter: ")
#While loop after initialising a varaible to make suure the loop runs specific number of times
while a>n:
b=int(input("Enter the number: "))
sum+= a
# printing the sum and average after rounding sum/n upto 2 digits after decimal.
print("sum:", sum, "/naverage:", round(sum/n,2) )
1. Microsoft Excel helps data analysis through different spreadsheet queries and operations options.
2. Input data to the analysis of sales by product is required for the development of formula and extracting results.
3. The information of data source and frequency of report is required to start the work.
1. Microsoft Excel tool can be used to calculate the results of equipment. Obtained results can be displayed in charts and graphs from the excel.
2. Information like the quantity of sold items, remaining items are required to produce accurate, useful analysis.
Before starting assignment accounting manager will be asked the following questions.
1) Where does the input data come from?
2) Is analysis required on a daily basis or once for all provided data?
3) Is Summary is in the form of tabular data, Graphical data, or Both?
More data storage will become available currently there are kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB) and terabytes (1TB) of storage but in the future maybe there will be tetrabytes
Following are the code to this question:
def binarynumber(num):#defining a method binarynumber that accepts a parameter num
x=""#defining a string variable x
if (num!=0):#defining if condition to check number not equal to 0
while (num>=1):#defining a loop that check value is grater then equal to one
if (num %2==0):#defining if condition to check num is even
x=x+"0" #add string value 0 in num variable
num=num/2 #divide the value by 2
else:#defining else block
x=x+"1"#add string value 1 in num variable
num=(num-1)/2#first subtract 1 into num variable then divide the value by 2
x="0"#assign string value 0 in num variable
return "".join(reversed(x))#return value
num = int (input ("Enter any number: "))#defining num variable that input the integer value
print (binarynumber(num))#using print method to call method binarynumber with passing num parameter
Enter any number: 12
- In the above python code a method "binarynumber" is declared, in which the "num" variable passes as the parameter inside the method a string variable "x" is declared that stores all converted values.
- Inside the method and if the block is declared that checks number value is not equal to 0 if this condition is false then it will add string value and reverse its value.
- Or if the condition is true it defines a while loop that calculates the given number binary digits and returns its value.
- At the last step, the num variable is declared that inputs the integer value from the user end and calls the method by using the print method.
Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.
#define function
def Transfer(S, T):
#set for loop
for i in range(len(S)):
#append in the list
#return the value of the list
return T
#set list type variable
S = ["a","b","c","d"]
#print the values of the list
#set the list empty type variable
#call the function
T = Transfer(S, T)
#print the value of T
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']
Here, we define the function "Transfer()" in which we pass two list type arguments "S" and "T".
- Set the for loop to append the values in the list.
- Then, we append the value of the variable "S" in the variable "T".
- Return the value of the list variable "T" and close the function.
- Then, set the list data type variable "S" and initialize the elements in it and print that variable.
- Finally, we set the empty list type variable "T" and store the return value of the function "Transfer()" in the variable "T" then, print the value of the variable "T".