A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind the Earth into its umbra (shadow). This can occur only when the sun, Earth and moon are aligned (in "syzygy") exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle.
Colder temperatures that last for a short period of time such as 3-4 days.
The warm air will rise because cold air is heavier than warm air.
The two sources of organic wastes that are produces by aquatic system are Nitrogenous- Ammonia and the decaying remains.
Ecosystem in the body of water is known as aquatic ecosystem. there is also life in the water. Marine ecosystem and freshwater ecosystems are the two types of Aquatic Ecosystems. Lentic, lotic and wetlands are further types of freshwater ecosystem.
Skeletal muscles fibre are classified base on how the produce energy.
Skeletal muscles fibres consist of bundles of cells that form muscles which contain myobrills.
Skeletal muscles are classified based on how the produce energy;
Type 1 or slow pitch muscle fibres are more efficient and last for a long period of time. They are use for postural maintenance or endurance. It use aerobic respiration to produce energy or ATP.
Type 11 or fast twitch muscle fibres use anaerobic respiration and are for short speed and fatigue more easily than type 1.