Answer & explanation:
This acidity in our stomach is advantageous because it kills most bacteria and creates the ideal environment for the enzymes pepsin and gastric lipase to digest food.
The pH corresponds to the hydrogen potential of a solution, this potential can be classified as acid, basic or neutral.
Respuesta y explicación:
Esta acidez en nuestro estómago es ventajosa porque mata a la mayoría de las bacterias y crea el ambiente ideal para que las enzimas pepsina y lipasa gástrica digieran los alimentos.
El pH corresponde al potencial de hidrógeno de una solución, este potencial se puede clasificar como ácido, básico o neutro.
No system is closed off by it surroundings.
D. Alternative splicing is the mechanism that produce complexity in the genes by splicing some of the protein coding part (exons) of a genes
There are certain splicing enhancers sites present in Exons which facilitiates the binding of RNA binding protein specifically SR protein family rich in Serine and Arginine residues. This SR protein will help in splicing of exons.
The significance of this type of mechanism is the ability of a cell to produce an isoform of protein which have retain their function.
This mechanism also help is diversity or in short in evolution.