Hot spots, Divergent plate boundaries and Convergent plate boundaries
The naked mole rats' population increases by the reproduction of the queen. The colony has one queen that may produce as many as 30 pups in one litter. The female can live up to 18 years, continues to breed and produce every 80 days.
Cellular respiration is an oxidative metabolism of glucose which takes place in the mitochondria an in the cell. Some things that can go through cellular respiration is oxygen that has foodstuff molecules that divert the chemical energy into substances.
These substances have a life-sustaining activity and discard things such as waste products,carbon dioxide,and water.Organisms that do not depend on oxygen degrade foodstuffs in a process called fermentation. (For longer treatments of various aspects of cellular respiration, see tricarboxylic acid cycle and metabolism.)
It gives a better foundation for the top part of your vertebrae (that are smaller), as it is bigger, it can support the rest of your vertebrae better.
I believe it’s A. Not sure though