On January 18, 1778, the English explorer Captain James Cook becomes the first European to discover the Hawaiian Islands when he sails past the island of Oahu.
The correct answer is letter D
Sensory Adaptation is the reduction of our sensitivity to stimuli that do not change. Adaptation occurs after constant exposure to a stimulus, our nerve cells start firing less frequently.
Sensory adaptation is a decrease in attention to a stimulus that is not the object of conscious control.
Margarita has an internal locus of control and would rate high on the conscientiousness dimension of personality.
An internal locus of control, opposed to an external locus of control, is the belief that one controls one's own destiny, that the decisions we make have the power to change our lives, therefore, we have the power to achieve what we want and to control what happens to us in the future. A person with an internal locus of control believes that there is no God or external entity controling people's life.
The conscientiousness dimension of personality is a personality trait that describes a person who is capable of self-regulation and self-discipline, who has goals and focuses actions and decisions towards those goals. People with high conscientousness tend to be very responsible and therefore, they are described as reliable and hardworking by others.
The languages spoken in the Caribbean are mostly either European langauges (which shows that those areas were conquered by Europeans) or European-based creoles (which shows that the conquest was more "messy" than in the US: there was less strict connection with the European countries and more mixing among peoples).
Indigenous languages are no longer spoken(or by very few people), which shows the fate of the indigenous people there...
Skool Suks!!!!!! like honestly.... it's Thomas btw