Verstehen is a German term that means to understand intensely and also applies to a sociological concept developed by Max Weber. According to this approach, a researcher is trying to understand the lives of people from the perspective of another person, he may seek to put himself in the shoes of the other person. Researches try to gain insight into the other person by discussion or interaction and therefore their subjective analyses are important to understand society at a larger level.
Local EOC's activate
Incident command system, ICS, is the model that is used by the National incident management system, NIMS. It is developed to aid the management of resources during incidents.
The National incident management system perform its responsibility by directing the creation a comprehensive approach to incident management. This could be by federal, state, territory or local responders.
The Emergency Operation Center is activated to respond to any form of disaster ranging from disease outbreak to natural disaster.
Their functions include
* Overall response management
* Procurement of logistics like facilities, equipment and materials.
* Coordinating all operations in support of incident action plan.
In this case, the emergency operation system has the power to tackle any complex incident, that threatens the lives of people.
Answer: Personality
Personality describes virtually everything about a person. From their feelings; how they respond to things that happen to them, to their thought pattern; how they reason life issues and make use of their mind, then their behavior. All these builds what the personality of someone would be.
Swahili is spoken by a majority of the people in sub-Saharan Africa.