Answer: A
"That's what evolution is all about: tiny changes in organisms of a species over a huge amount of time."
The average conversion energy from producers to primary consumers is b. 10%.
This percentage actually holds true for all transfer of energy at any trophic level in the food chain. Majority of the energy loss can be attributed to metabolic processes that give off heat and other forms of energy. It is important to note that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it is simply transformed from one form to another.
The Calvin cycle (also known as the Calvin–Benson cycle) is the set of chemical reactions that take place in chloroplasts during photosynthesis. The cycle is light-independent because it takes place after the energy has been captured from sunlight.
To prepare a proper seed bed.
Hope this helps!
Parentals: PP (purple) and pp (white)
F1: Pp (purple)
When the two parental plants of differing phenotypes (purple or white flowers) cross, the F1 is 100% purple. This result suggests that the parentals were true breeding (homozygous), with purple flowers being the dominant allele.
When the F1 self pollinates, the F2 shows proportions very similar to 3/4 purple and 1/4 white (401/532 ≅ 3/4 and 131/532 ≅ 1/4). The 3:1 phenotypic ratio is typical of the offspring resulting from a cross between two heterozygous individuals.
The results make sense if the genotypes of the different generations are:
Parentals: PP (purple) X pp (white)
F1: Pp (purple)
F2: 1/4 PP, 2/4 Pp, 1/4 pp