Good shot hdhhdbsb suhsbsbs bbsbsbsbdbbdbdbdbdbbd
In 2000, a basic internet application cost businesses approximately $150,000 per month. In mid-2016, operating the same application in Amazon's cloud cost approximately $1,000 per month.
The role of cloud services cannot be overemphasized. Providing Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), Platform as a service (PaaS) and Software as a service (SaaS) cost a lot as there were very few cloud service providers and most services were yet to be integrated to the cloud.
But as at 2016, the cost on applications dropped as we have experienced an exponential growth in cloud services and applications, we now have Internet of Things (IoT) and other cloud infrastructure.
customers += newCustomer;
The operator += expands into + and assignment. The assignment is not overloaded so the required code is
customers += newCustomer;
This expands into
customers = customers + newCustomer;
The overloaded + operator is called for the right expression. This returns a `CustomerList`, which is then assigned through the = operator to `customers`.
I believe the answer could be the first choice. I'm not quite sure, though
Ergonomia (sau factorii umani) este disciplina științifică preocupată de înțelegerea interacțiunilor dintre om și alte elemente ale unui sistem și profesia care aplică teorie, principii, date și metode pentru a proiecta pentru a optimiza bunăstarea umană și în general performanta sistemului."