Large floral are used in the reproduction in pteridophytes
28 find that the cell spends in prophase (number of cells in prophase divided by the total # of cells (36) multiplied by 100)
As of now Sudbury has some of the cleanest air in all of Ontario. That’s hard to believe given the city once emitted 2.5 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide per year due to the Lumber industry. In the 1980s, the “Sudbury” became known as a unit of pollution, against which other industrial cities were measured. It’s now become known as a unit of restoration.
Earth's moon causes ocean tides.
I hope this helps! :)
c. Thymine dimer
Thymine dimer
Thymine dimer ( also called the DNA damage ) that is repaired by the nucleotide excision repair which involves the breakage of the phosphodiester bond on the side of the damage , and results in the excision of an oligolnueotide of 10-12 nucleotides in length .
But the base excision repair involves the removal of the damaged base , removal of short polynuceotide and resynthesis of this area with DNA polymerase .