Some of the sources for social change are the growth in population, change in culture, change in the natural environment and evolution in technology. Social change is met with resistsance due to the following: cultural factors, economic factors and even people's insecurities.
Change in population structure and composition leads to social change; Over time, the population composition in the society, changes, in terms, of factors like social class, where people among the population shift from class to class.
Cultural interactins also lead to social change in the sens ethat, in the process f interaction between this cultures, there is exchange of social norms and ways, through bridges like intercultural mariages.
Some of the reasons people resist social change are;
- The need to maintain status quo, for instance, men were resistant to social change when it was shifting power to women.
- Economic reasons might be the reason for resistance to social change, in that, people do not want to love a certain economic advantage, therefore they resist change that adjusts their vantage position.