i have no clue dude sorry thanks for the points tho.
Fault tolerance
Fault tolerance is the property that enables a system to respond to unexpected failures or system crashes while maintaining proper operation during the event of the failure of some of its components.
me me me me me me me me me me mw
I hope I can help you
Answer: Control flow, also known as flow of control in computer programming, refers to the sequence in which function calls, instructions, and statements are performed or assessed while a program is operating. Control flow statements are used in many programming languages to determine which part of code runs in a program at any given time.
If you don't put propper measures into place while creating this database your site will vulnrable to SQL Injections. In this age most sites aren't because people have learned from past mistakes. My advice do some pentesting when you finish the site and if is vulnrable to SQL Injections quit web devlopment!