Comment<span> (computer programming) ... In computer programming, a </span>comment<span> is a programmer-readable explanation or annotation in the source code of a computer program. They are added with the purpose of making the source code easier for humans to understand, and are generally ignored by compilers and interpreters.</span>
The mathematical answer would be 2. To get 11, one would simply put the 1's next to each other but there is an addition symbol. 32 is an irrational number to think of for an answer because there are no other numbers to add or multiply with the 1's to achieve 32. 9 is also irrational for the same reason.
The corresponding schemas I use such as given below.
- <u>Dim</u>: Used in the design for certain artifacts belonging to measurements.
- <u>Fact</u>: Used for these artifacts throughout the design relevant to the truth
- <u>Admin</u>: Used for all configuration-related artifacts that could be open to professional end-users.
- <u>Audit</u>: That used to hold audit-related particles.
- <u>Etl</u>: Is used for keeping objects, particularly staging details, directly connected to something like the ETL method.
- <u>Report</u>: Used to keep objects utilized explicitly for programs for documentation.
- <u>Olap</u>: Used for keeping objects directly used for systems for study.
- <u>Test</u>: Used to carry objects which have been used exclusively for research.
- <u>Useful</u>- Used to carry objects that just about any member including its implementation may typically use.
After the following code has been executed, the value of ans is 100:
int x = 35;
int y = 20;
ans = 80;
if (x < y) {
ans += y;
This is because the value of ans is incremented by y when the code is executed.
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