Print the manual in a loose leaf binder so even small changes can be replaced
Procedure manual is the document that contains the business policies and strategies. These strategies can be changed time to time in the interest of company.
As these policies or procedures changes, it is necessary to communicate with all employees. To communicate this updated information to all employees it is necessary to print all that pages, where the changes have been made to replace them in the current manual. If we print whole manual it may increase the cost of printing. To reduce printing cost and wastage of pages only print those particular pages that have been changed. This will help to communicate to the existing employees as well as to newly hired employees.
no output, it does not print any thing
if-else statement is used to execute the statement after checking the condition if the condition is true, it allows the program to execute the statement otherwise not.
in the code, define the variable with values x = 9, y = 8 and z = 7.
Then, if the statement checks the condition 9 > 9, the condition is false.
So, the program terminates the if statement and executes the next statement but there is no next statement.
the other if-else statement is within the if condition which already terminates.
Therefore, there is no output.
This is correct.
int is initialized with 0
object references with null
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