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This attraction occurs as a result of static charge. You see an atom is referred to as the smallest particle of a substance; and when an atom gains or looses electrons it becomes unstable creating a difference in potential. However in this case rubbing induces friction which induces heat. This heat excites the atom to loose electrons creating a negative charge on the silk and a converse positive charge on the pencil.
To show he presence of a trait you would need to follow it through multiple generations in a pedigree.
pituilatry gland
The pituitary gland is sometimes called the "master" gland of the endocrine system because it controls the functions of many of the other endocrine glands. The pituitary gland is no larger than a pea, and is located at the base of the brain.
Object C
Object A has two arrows, one pointing up and one pointing down. Since both arrows are the same length, the forces cancel, and Object A will not move.
Object B also has two arrows, one pointing up and one pointing down. However, the downwards pointing arrow is much longer than the other. This means it has more force and the object will move down.
Object C has two arrows, one pointing up and the other down. However, the upwards pointing arrow is longer than the other, meaning it has more force and the object will move upward.
Object D has two arrows, but both are pointing downwards, meaning the object will move down.
The tissue level or organization refers to a group of cells of the same origin that carry out a specific function. It can be viewed as a group of cells that don't necessarily make up an organ. The tissue level or organization refers to a group of cells of the same origin that carry out a specific function.