Any genetically engineered organisms is referred to as a transgenic organism.
A transgenic organism is any organism that was modified genetically or engineered by humans, for certain purposes, in this case, the function of the thale cress is to break down toxic metals in the water (cress plants grow on water).
Hope it helped,
Happy homework/ study/ exam!
there are 46 chromosomes found
The Hay-flick Limit is a concept that helps to explain the mechanisms behind cellular aging. The concept states that a normal human cell can only replicate and divide forty to sixty times before it cannot divide anymore, and will break down by programmed cell death or apoptosis.
Competition is an interaction between organisms for limited resources in the ecosystem
1. competition among organisms of different species interspecific
Interspecific competition is an interaction between organsims of different species in the environment for limited resources. This type of competition is between two different species. Competition can be for light, nutrient, space e.t.c
2. competition among organisms from the same species intraspecific
Intraspecific competition is a struggle between organisms of the same specie for limited resources in the ecosystem. Note: organisms of the same species are involved here.
3. active fight among organisms competition
The active fight among organisms is a competition because it causes harm to both species.
4. organisms preventing others from using a resource interference
Interference is when an organism prevents other organisms from using a resource in the ecosystem.
Learn more:
Competition in economics