eagle- chordata phylum
ladybud- Insecta class
scorpian- Arachnida class
lobster- Crustacea class
snail- Mollusca phylum
The organism that contains a notochord at some of its life cycle stage are called chordates and all vertebrates are chordates so eagle comes under phylum Chordata.
Insecta is the largest class of phylum Arthropoda which contains organisms which have jointed legs, exoskeleton and segmented body for example ladybird, playing mantis, etc.
Arachnids are animals which have jointed legs and in this class spider are the largest order which contains scorpions, mites, ticks, etc.
Crustaceans are invertebrates which have hard shell made up of calcium for example lobster, prawn, shrimp, etc.
Mollusks are very large invertebrate phylum which contains a soft segmented body that is usually present inside a shell made up of calcium. for example snails.
Dead plant matter
Saprotrophs feed by a process known as absorptive nutrition, in which the nutritional substrate (e.g., dead organism or other nonliving organic matter) is directly digested by a variety of enzymes that are excreted by the saprotroph.
There are many benefits provided by biodiversity. It can be in our biological resources, ecosystem services and also social benefits. The three social benefits provided by biodiversity would be the following:
1. Research, education and monitoring
2. Recreation & tourism
3. Cultural values
Biodiversity is “the variability among existing animals from all causes including temporal, marine and other aquatic ecosystems, and the environmental complex.
Pollinators, including bees and butterflies, contribute meaningful environmental and economic advantages to agricultural and essential ecosystems, including adding heterogeneity and productivity to food crops. As many as one-third of the world's food production relies directly or indirectly on insect pollination.
Answer: D) antimycin
Voodoo lily is a water plant. The antimycin is a poison which can inhibit the electron transport chain during the process of photosynthesis or in cellular respiration. This acts by binding to the proteins that participate in the chain of electron transport.