California elects 54 members because the population is greater than Wyoming’s population. Wyoming’s population is smaller so they don’t get more members. For a certain amount of people there is one member.
In part, the Cold War was a battle of ideas, which was contested in the media, on the floor of the United Nations, through all manner of propaganda, and in millions of interactions among Americans and their allies, the Soviet Union, “Red” China, and their allies, and the rest of the world. But the Cold War was not just about talk. It was also about action, and on a number of occasions the actions of the players on both sides of the Cold War divide resulted in confrontations and crises that brought the ideological adversaries to the brink of war.
Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor without warning. This occurrence happened at the end of WWII. America, China, and the United Kingdom joined forces to gain surrender from the Japan armed forces. The alliance, also called the “Manhattan Project,” tested an atomic device, and were able to make weapons based on two alternate designs. One was a uranium gun-type atomic bomb, and the other was a plutonium implosion-type atomic bomb. The 509th composite group of the U.S. Armed Air Forces stored the bombs. The 2 bombs that the U.S. dropped on two separate dates in August of 1945 are the only active deployments of nuclear weapons in war to date.
Truman decided to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Kokura, Niigata, and Nagasaki because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor without warning. This occurrence happened at the end of WWII. America, China, and the United Kingdom joined forces to gain surrender from the Japan armed forces. The alliance, also called the “Manhattan Project,” tested an atomic device, and were able to make weapons based on two alternate designs. One was a uranium gun-type atomic bomb, and the other was a plutonium implosion-type atomic bomb. The 509th composite group of the U.S. Armed Air Forces stored the bombs. The 2 bombs that the U.S. dropped on two separate dates in August of 1945 are the only active deployments of nuclear weapons in war to date. The bomb order was drafted by General Groves, and was approved by Truman, General of War. The first atomic bomb was dropped on August 6th, 1945. The bomb weighed 9,000 pounds. It exploded within 100 feet of the target. The fireball was 18 feet across, and its center was as hot as the surface of the sun. In the center of the bomb people became nothing, near the center there was no sound. The light from the bomb flashed a painful bright white. Within 9 seconds, 100,000 people were killed or doomed, and another 100,000 more injured. Within 9 seconds the city caught fire, a cloud of smoked raised 40,000 feet high. Most doctors died in the bombing, and between 3 and 10,000 people came to the hospitals for help each day. 2,000 of them died daily.
China was a key influence on East Asian cultures for many centuries as a center of learning, political thought, religion; it provided civilizational models to neighboring kingdoms. In ancient and medieval times, the old elites learned and wrote Chinese characters, used in the administration and for literature in Japan, Korea and Vietnam; Japanese and Korean written language evolved from Chinese caracters. Chinese Confucianism, the official state ideology since the Han dynasty that aims at keeping order, harmony and social hierarchy, was also adopted in courts in East Asia. Buddhism, a religion arrived in China in the 2nd century CE, spread from China to Korea and later to Japan. These are examples of the rich cultural influence China has exerted in Asia historically.