In order to find this you need to find a common denominator. 2/3 and 3/4 common denominator would be 12 and so what you do to the bottom you must do to the top. 2x4 is 8 and 3x3 is 9. that would make 8/12 and 9/12. 8 plus nine is 17 and 12 stays there so the answer is 17/12 which equals 1 and 5/10.
11 cm
Step-by-step explanation:
Length of new pencil = 19 cm
Length of pencil after using a month = 8 cm
Question asked:
The pencil is centimeters shorter now than when it was new = ?
Length of new pencil = 19 cm
Length of pencil after using a month = 8 cm
The pencil is centimeters shorter now than when it was new = 19 cm - 8 cm
= 11 cm
Length of pencil has been used during a month = 11 cm
9.125*x^2 is 100000 times greater than 9.125*10^(-3).
Note that (10^5)(9.125*10^(-3) = 9.125*10^2.
This is equals 3 and 18/56 which reduces to 3 and 9/28 all you have to do is plug it the calculator like it is shown and then you will get this answer