(Just wanna let you know nothing is shown)
Although it can be helpful to figuring out time of death, or situational matters, there are many variables that go into play. Mainly using it as time of death isn't as precise as decomposition levels or other methods, this imprecision can negatively impacts the case. There are factors that play in digestion and in person to person case that may limit how accurate the stomach content investigation is.
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The correct answer choice for the question: The popliteal pulse point is found on the anterior surface of the elbow, would be, A: true.
The popliteal pulse is the passage point of the brachial artery and it is in fact always found on the anterior surface of the elbow, medial to the tendons of the biceps. This major artery, the brachial artery, is the main vessel for the upper arms and it comes out of the axillary artery. As it tranverses down the upper arms, it reaches the cubital fossa of the elbow, where it divides into the radial and the ulnar arteries. When measuring blood pressure, it is usually this artery that is sought out and its sounds can be heard with a sthetoscope, and when using a sphygmomanometer, or blood presure cuff.