Estilo de aprendizaje, aptitud, personalidad e inteligencia emocional.
El estilo de aprendizaje, la aptitud, la personalidad y la inteligencia emocional son el conjunto de características que distinguen a un individuo de sus compañeros. Cada individuo ha utilizado un método diferente para aprender. Algunos estudiantes memorizan cosas a través de la escritura, mientras que otros de forma oral. También son diferentes en sus habilidades naturales para hacer algo. Tienen una personalidad diferente entre sí. Algunas personas son muy emocionales, mientras que otras tienen un corazón duro.
Edema occurs when an excessive volume of fluid accumulates in the tissues, either within cells (cellular edema) or within the collagen-mucopolysaccharide matrix distributed in the interstitial spaces (interstitial edema)
The definition of edema is a swelling due to the expansion of interstitial fluid volume in tissues or an organ. Several clinical conditions present with edema, making it a critical clinical feature for diagnostic medicine. Edema can present in numerous forms including unilateral, bilateral, localized, or generalized edema. Therefore, it is vital to assess the unique presentation and mechanism of edema to understand how it relates to disease pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and treatment. This review will present an overview of the general and cellular characteristics of edema, the mechanism, and pathophysiology of edema, and how edema relates to a specific disease presentation and development.
Answer:the hip
You place it closest to the missing limb so if it was the arm you would clip near shoulder.
When he realized that Marcee, the imaginary niece of his imaginary roommate never gets any older.