gold was used as healing back then
spaniards are kinda like pirates they like gold because they thought it healed the sick. and by sick i mean greed.
▼ Coffee beans purchased by a coffee shop (intermediate good)
▼ One share of Google stock (neither)
▼ A new pick-up truck purchased by a consumer (final good)
▼ A new home purchased by a family (final good)
The Dawes act, found the answer on quizlet
(1) Skinner’s utopian society ought to be rejected.
The sentence that expresses the conclusion of the argument is, <em>Skinner’s utopian society ought to be rejected</em>. "The sort of society Skinner proposes in Walden Two is a non-competitive, lifeless society that lacks creativity and imagination. It also lacks the conditions that make for festivity and fantasy, two significant human traits. The type of society that Skinner proposes would turn people into robots. Skinner’s utopian society ought to be rejected."