Why was Egypt's Abu Simbal temple moved in the 1960s? A. The temple was threatened by conflict in the region. B. Lake Nasser was
scheduled to flood the valley where the temple was located. C. Egyptian officials wanted to relocate the temple to increase tourism in Giza. D. The land was needed for agricultural cultivation.
The correct answer is - B. Lake Nasser was scheduled to flood the valley where the temple was located.
During the 1960's the Lake Nasser experienced an increase at it's water levels and the valley was in constant threat to be flooded by its waters. In close proximity to the lake was also located the Abu Simbal temple which is of great national, cultural, historical meaning for the Egyptians, so the government decided to intervene and save one of the national treasures and not let it be destroyed. So they practically performed a rescue mission of the temple and moved it away from the valley threatened by the Lake Nasser and onto a safer ground.
Reforestation:- people from Brazil and around the world are making efforts to help protect and maintain the Amazon Rainforest by planting and replacing trees.
Sustainable forestry:- recent preservation efforts by both the Brazilian government and international organizations have focused on working with local communities that make a living from cleared forest land.
Non-governmental organizations:- as concerns about global warming and carbon deduction have increased, countries around the world have started to consider deforestation in the Amazon as a global problem
The Individual helps:- one way to help an individual is turning off lights also is also important to recycle paper and paper products