The correct answer for: A researcher suggests that the healthcare disparities described in the passage are partly due to cultural bias.
Which concept is most relevant to this hypothesis? Is: D) Ethnocentrism.
To understand this question we have to recall what Ethnocentrism is and how it applies here. First of all, Ethnocentrism is the moment in which someone focuses on his or her culture to analyze it and try to understand another object of the same level making associations of their characteristics as well as establishing patterns of concepts and items categories. But with a superior belief of the proper culture.
This data is called "secondary data".
An example for a usage of a secondary data is when a researcher takes up a data collected by someone else, for exam ple a large survey, and analyses this data to receive new insights from it - this is a fairly common practice. Often for example official government data is used by scientists
A man accused of a crime in court, UNDER THE SIXTH AMENDMENT, has a right to: a speedy public trial; a lawyer whether appointed or bought by the defendant; an impartial jury; who the accusers are; know the charges brought against the accused; and the evidence found.
Under the Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution, any man or woman accused of a crime has a right to: a speedy and public trial; a court appointed or self obtained counsel (lawyer); an impartial jury (one that holds no bias against the defendant); know who the accuser(s) are (also known as the prosecution); know the charges brought against the defendant; and to know the evidence found.
Hey i had to do some research for this one but i hope it helps
After the death of Muhammad, the Muslim community could only be in worry to find a quick solution. After some discussion, they decided to split the Muslim world into the two branches; Sunni and Shiite. These two communities started to grow on differences. The group Sunni, believed all succession went to the prophets dear associate, Abu Bakr. On the other hand, you have the Shiite branch, who believe Ali. Ali was the prophets son-in-law, or known as Muhammad’s trust heir.
Hope that got you somewhere, not so strong in the topic, but i hope that’s a starter. good luck!