Consumers are individuals that purchase items from businessmen. Answer is C.
Lexical Hypothesis
According to the lexical hypothesis, important personality characteristics should be reflected in the language that we use to describe other people.
Italy had a strong connections to the Ottoman Empire. This may have influenced Italy by allowing for the transition of ideas, increasing Italy's Renaissance capital lead / fund. Power changed from nobles to merchants as the Black Death spread through Italy in the mid-1300s (Middle Ages) and destroyed many great nobles. During the Middle Ages, nobles retained wealth and power on land, but through trade, traders retained wealth and power.
Hemisphere originates from the Greek, and consolidates the prefix hemi-, which means "half" with sphere, or "completely round ball." Hemi-is the prefix, signifying "half of a sphere”.
Prefixes and suffixes are etymological components that are not autonomous words but rather that change the word root's significance. Prefixes are word parts that show up at the beginning of the word or base. Not every term have prefixes; but rather when introduce, prefixes make the significance more particular.