<span>The ventral stream, also known as the "what" stream, is the location in the brain that identifies exactly what is being heard, and the dorsal stream, also known as the "where" stream, is the part of the brain that recognizes where in space that the sound came from.</span>
Based on the situation, it's not to be considered as a good law. It is because it is unlikely and there is a small chance of a person who performs a CPR to another person who needs it to determine whether the person has AIDS or infectious because the situation is something to be acted quickly because the patient may die.
Righteousness does not consist in turning your faces towards the east or towards he west;175 true righteousness consist in believing in Allah and the Last Day, the angles, the book and the prophets, and giving away one's property in love of Him to one's kinsmen, the orphans, the poor and the wayfarer, and to those who ask for help, and in freeing the necks of slaves, an in establishing Prayer and dispensing the Zakah. True righteousness is attained by those who are faithful to their promise once they have made it and by those who remain steadfast in adversity and affliction and at the time of battle (between truth and falsehood). Such are the truthful ones; such are the God-fearing.
hope this helps
The answer is double blind experiment.
In a double blind experiment, neither the researchers nor the participants are aware about which group is receiving the experimental treatment. This is done in order to prevent biases in the participants' judgment (the placebo effect), and prevent the researchers from giving accidental cues.
The greatest advantage of double blind studies is they have greater reliability and validity than other types of studies.