Parents should report whether the child has recently ingested anything that can easily cause a choking, such as peanuts, popcorn, and so on.
Wheezes are continuous, musical, high-pitched sounds. They can be seen at any stage of the breathing cycle, although they are more audible on expiration. They usually indicate some respiratory disease, but normal individuals may have wheezing when they force their exhalation too hard.
The presence of wheezing indicates airway obstruction (airflow limitation) and may result in airway secretion and vibration of the airway walls that may collapse (close). There may be thickening of the airway walls or lumen (cavity) obstruction. Wheezing can occur for a variety of reasons, but it is more common for children to be due to the presence of foreign body in the airway, so it is important that the parents of a child with syllable explain to the medical team if the child has eaten any easy food. cause choking, such as peanuts, for example.
Cancer cells the branch of medicine concerned with the studying and treatment of tumor.
Pick one specific Opiate you believe is important for people to be educated about.
-What is the name of the drug: hydrocodone
-Write 2 sentences telling why people need to be aware of this particular drug. Hydrocodone overdose is likely when those taking it need higher doses because of a growing tolerance. People who are overdosing on hydrocodone may have cold or blue skin, vomiting, loss of consciousness, , slowed breathing, and slowed or stopped heartbeat.
2. What does this drug do to the brain? It changes teh brain and will cause brain damage.
3. What are its short-term and long-term effects on the brain or mind? Short term in causes large doses of teh feel good neurotransmitters to flood the brain. Long term, the changes the structures of the brain related to emotional control, memory and learning.
4. What are its short-term and long-term effects on the body? Short term, it can cause dry mouthy, stomach pain and tiredness. Long-term, it can cause addiction and brain damage.
5. What are some internal and external reasons that a teen might use, or decide not to use, this drug? Write at least 3 sentences. A teen may chose to use this drug if he or she is in pain. A teen may chose to use it to get high. A teen might chose not to use it because he or she doesn't want to risk addiction.
6. Make a creative title for the information if you were to write a paper or create a presentation. Dangers of hydrocodone.