Answer:Economists have had an enormous impact on trade policy, and they provide a strong rationale for free trade and for removal of trade barriers. Although the objective of a trade agreement is to liberalize trade, the actual provisions are heavily shaped by domestic and international political realities. The world has changed enormously from the time when David Ricardo proposed the law of comparative advantage, and in recent decades economists have modified their theories to account for trade in factors of production, such as capital and labor, the growth of supply chains that today dominate much of world trade, and the success of mercantilist countries in achieving rapid growth.
On the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), the <u>verbal</u> score represents subtest scores on verbal tasks, such as vocabulary, comprehension, and general knowledge; the <u>performance</u> score represents subtest scores on nonverbal tasks, such as identifying missing parts in incomplete pictures, arranging pictures to tell a story, or arranging blocks to match a pattern.
WAIS is an Intelligence test who has different subtests to measure both verbal and non verbal performance. The intention of ths scale of intelligence is to calculate the intelligence quiotient. Also to analyze whether the person has specif problems in a particular area.
Each method of learning has a different amount of structure.
Formal learning can be defined as a learning process which typically involves trained teachers (lecturers) impacting knowledge on students within the classroom of a school such as in college, university or high school.
On the other hand, informal learning can be defined as a learning process that is not structured and it happens spontaneously. It involves learning by watching videos, reading articles and journals, self-study at home, visiting forums and blogs, attending seminars and coaching classes etc.
Hence, the difference between informal and formal learning is that each method of learning has a different amount of structure.
Basically, a formal learning process is considered to be more structured when compared with an informal learning process.
Personality, is our traits of feelings,thinking and behavior which includes our moods ,attitude
and opinions which are expressed through our interactions with people around us. It refers to our behavioral characteristics which can be observed when we socialize with people around us and our environment.