Proportion is a mathematical comparison between two numbers. According to proportion, if two sets of given numbers are increasing or decreasing in the same ratio, then the ratios are said to be directly proportional to each other. Proportions are denoted using the symbol "::" or "=".
Explained below.
Step-by-step explanation:
A standard abacus is a traditional method used to perform basic mathematical calculations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
There are 5 rods on a standard abacus.
The shape of the abacus has a series of vertical rods on which a number of beads are placed.
Each bead on a particular rod is considered as 1 unit, i.e. if there are three beads on a rod, the value of that rod is 3.
The last rod on an abacus is for the unit's place, the second last rod is for the ten's place, the third last rod is for the hundredth's place, the fourth last rod is for the thousandth's place and the fifth rod is for the ten thousandth's place.
The 4 in 46,395 is 10 times the 4 in 14,906.