To ensure that you stand out and are notice all depends in the setting that you are in. Usually dressing appropriate for the occasion will make you stand out. Having proper attitude such as being polite and respectful (using please and thank you) will make you stand out as well.
Many birds, such as geese, seasonally fly to warm places when the weather gets cold. They then return when the weather warms. This process is called migration. ... Migration enables many animals to move to places where it is easier for them to survive.
A niche refers to the way in which an organism fits into an ecological community or ecosystem. Through the process of natural selection, a niche is the evolutionary result of a species morphological (morphology refers to an organisms physical structure), physiological, and behavioral adaptations to its surroundings.
Because an amino acid<span> cannot be </span><span>synthesized</span><span> by the organism, and it must be supplied in its diet.</span>