Scout is able to narrate historical moments and very broad social causes of American society, while Rachel narrates only from her own perspective.
Although Scout and Rachel are very punctual and efficient narrators in presenting their perspectives, thoughts and emotions about the experiences and events they witnessed, they differ in a very important point. This point is the historical and social factor.
Rachel narrates only the facts that are directly related to her, while Scout narrates the facts about her, about historical events and about very broad and impacting social causes in American society. Scout has the ability to narrate prejudice, about southern society, about intolerance, about religious hypocrisy, about incorrect judgment, racism and other causes.
"What is wrong? I will tell you what is wrong. It show no gratitude. It is boastful. I celebrate myself? The best student learns to destroy the teacher?"
This excerpt is about a family from the Dominican Republic that migrated to the United States and how they try to integrate and learn a new language and culture.
However, one of the females of the family says something that her father thinks is rude and thus he tells her "What is wrong? I will tell you what is wrong. It show no gratitude. It is boastful. I celebrate myself? The best student learns to destroy the teacher?"
These phrases used by Thomas Paine in his pamphlet Common Sense with the words "Tis not" in each of them show a example of a figure of speech called Repetition. <em>This is a literay or rethotical devise used by writers who want to put emphasis of some words or phrases in the text, or to make an idea clearer by repeating them.</em>
i don't what you mean by, fragment-punctuated-correctly, but it is not "let's" because let's mean "let is" so that sentence would be punctuated incorrectly
Mark me as brainliest!