To honor life and their ancestors.
This was a very sacred and meaningful practice towards those who were viewed as "god-like" as pharaohs. This was done for the pharaohs and those high in view to god, which was significant for Ancient Egyptians. They had many other advanced and highly intelligent practices for their time.
Jesus did.
Jesus is the Son of God. He did miracles. He took pity on the poor. He died for our sins.
I would choose a savannah because they are reasonably safe.
The correct answer is B. It has caused spending by interest groups to increase. Since the ruling, multi-billion corporations and other interest groups have funneled unprecedented amounts of money to the parties or politicians that are susceptible to further their interests via the Super PACs (that are not allowed to spend money directly in the politicians' campaigns but can spend unlimited amounts of funds independently and in favor of the party/politician of their choice).