They have body fat level in the MARGINAL OR BORDERLINE ZONE. At this zone, the fat level in the body is higher than the acceptable levels but is less that the fat levels in the obese people. With this level of fat, one has higher risks for such diseases such as high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.
Probably if there are not enough plants in that area
Gulls, crows and herons are all opportunists. They'll eat just about anything that they can get their beaks on. That includes fiddler crabs.
A patient with a neurodegenerative disease show degeneration of the amygdala making them more likely to forget a (n) emotionally traumatic event
The neurodegeneration is the progressive loss of structure or function of neurons which include even death of neurons which is characterized by loss of memory. Emotionally trauma is damage of the mind as a result of severely distressing event