I think it would be an independent variable, but I learned this last year so I don't remember exactly.
The Secretary General of NATO has the chief civil service of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, represented by an international diplomat. He is responsable for several important tasks, such as: chairing meetings with committees and spokesperson of NATO, but military, strategy and political decisions are responsabilty of member states.
Option B
NCAA Stands for "National Collegiate Athletic Association which is responsible for banning schools from participating in sports for at least a year.
The death penalty is the harshest form of penalty it can give, and most of this punishment result in schools not competing in sports for the duration of the death penalty.
The imposition of "Death Penalty" by NCAA Forces a school to eliminate a sport which they face the punishment for, which can be a year or more depending on NCAA.
African Americans
The institution of slavery resulted in prosperity for large farm owners at the expense of <u>African Americans, </u>After the Civil War, many Texans continued to be denied basic rights—including the right to participate in the political process—through the use of literacy tests, grandfather clauses, poll taxes, and the so-called white Correct primary, in which only Anglos could participate. African-Americans constitute majority of slaves who work in sugar cane and cotton plantations in Texas, they were a cheap source of labour as the slave masters did not have to pay them for services. As a result of this exploitation of African American slaves, large plantation owners became wealthy.