The ten most populous countries in North America are: United States: 321.2 million. Mexico: 121 million. Canada: 35.8 million.
Answer:social learning theory,
Explanation: According to social learning theory, by Albert Bandura (1977) which agrees with what is stated in classical conditioning and operant conditioning , we learn through responding to social stimuli and by observing the surrounding environment
The child learns through observing the behavior that is modeled and by imitating the same behavior in the future. Secondly , the likelihood of the child imitating the behavior is dependent on whether the behavior was reinforced or punished. If the consequences of imitating a model's behavior was Punishment it is likely that the behavior will not continue, however if the behavior was rewarded it is very likely that it will continue. Reinforcement can be an approval from the parents and that is external reinforcement and when the child feels happy about being rewarded that is an internal reinforcement.
the answer is d-because the believed the gods would give them what they asked for
Answer: d. A = 500 BCE; B = 250 BCE
The term BCE means Before Common Era and it is used to describe the time period before Jesus Christ was born and CE (Common Era) referring to the years after.
With BCE the years are to be counted down as you progress. What this means is that the higher number is the earlier period and the smaller number is the later period.
BCE is then counted down till 0 and then CE takes over. With CE we count up so the earlier period is the smaller number and the larger number is the later period.
Therefore A and B have to smaller than 600 BCE to be after it and smaller than 200 CE to be before it.
Option D is therefore correct as it is lower than 600 BCE and as they are both BCE, they are earlier than 200 CE.
<em>600 BCE ⇒ 500 BCE ⇒ 250 BCE ⇒ 200 CE</em>