One justification: "Mexico attacked us first." In April of 1846, Mexican cavalry attacked U.S. soldiers in a disputed area and killed about a dozen. This justified America's declaration of war in some's eyes.
Argument against: "Mexico only attacked us because we goaded them into it." Opponents to war said that Polk intentionally placed U.S. soldiers in the disputed zone so that Mexico would attack them.
Many colleges usually while reviewing your file check many things. Scores are a major factor in deciding whether or not to invite you. It all depends on what college you apply to.
I think a, or d, but I can't say for certain. I am sorry.
Perhaps the most successful way we've been able to use light to transfer information is fiber optics. ... Through rapid changes in the light, you can send highly complex signals down the cable. These are most often used either for high speed internet connections, or for sending sound signals to home theater systems.
A problem for the absolute rulers was the rise of parliament. A way the rulers could have dealt with this is to bribe the parliament or to have a inside man in the parliament.