the Grey line is the expect change and is where the temperature should be
the black line is where the temperature is and how much the temperature can fluctuate while still allowing the organism to live and do so comfortably
When deforestation takes place, it heats up the atmosphere causing more global warming.
The dichotomous key is used as a classifying tool for items in the natural world, (trees, wildflowers, mammals, reptiles, rocks...). At each step of the classification process,<span> the user is given two choices and each choice leads to another question until the item is identified.</span>
<span>A dichotomous key starts with specific information and leads to general information.
Explanation: a good example of how wildfires lead to secondary succession is in a oak and hickery forests and this is because wildfires will mostly burn out the vegetation and kill those animals however their nutrients would turn to ash