Create a frequency chart by using a bar graph as shown in the picture below. A frequency chart is used when you want to present how much of the data belongs to one group. For this problem, it specifically represents how many people belong to a time interval. The y-axis is the number of people and the x-axis is the time expressed in intervals.
As you can see visually, the shape of the distribution graph is skewed to the right, although not uniformly. This is justified because the relatively high data are situated on the far right side of the graph. Also, there are no outliers in the data because they are all pretty close to each other. No bar is obviously different from the others. The center is the median of all the data. If you create a middle line as represented by the horizontal line, the center data point is 21. You can verify this by arranging all the data points from smallest to largest, and selecting the middle data. Lastly, the spread is from the lowest value to the highest value. The lowest value is at 12 to 1 pm with 19 people. The highest value is at 4 to 5 pm with 24 people. Therefore, the spread is from 19 to 24.
Answer with explanation:</h2>
When there is a linear relationship is observed between the variables, we use linear regression predict the relationship between them.
Also, we predict the values for dependent variable by modelling a linear model that best fits the data by drawing a line Y=a+bX, where X is the explanatory variable and Y is the dependent variable.
In other words: The line of best fit is a line through a scatter plot of data points that best describes the relationship between them.
That's why the regression line referred to as the line of best fit.
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