C I believe but I'm not a hundred percent sure
Payment Card Industry Data Standard(PCI DSS).
The online payment acceptance through credit cards is governed by the Payment Card Industry Data Standard (PCI DSS) and it also includes the provisions that shoulde be implemented by gwen's company before accepting any transaction through credit cards.
Miguel y Maru están muy cansados. - Miguel y Maru están cansadísimos
Felipe es muy joven. - Felipe es jovencísimo
Jimena es muy inteligente. - Jimena es inteligentísima
La madre de Marissa está muy contenta. - La madre de Marissa está contentísima
Estoy muy aburrido. - Estoy aburridísimo
In this activity we have to switch the statements to the absolute superlative of the expressions. In Spanish we can add the suffix -ísimo to an adjective to refer to the highest degree of something. It can be translated in ENglish to "really, extremely, super or quie". The statements in English are:
- Miguel and Maru are very tired - Miguel and Mary are extremely tired
- Felipe is very young - Felipe is super young
- Jimena is very smart - Jimena is really smart
- Marissa´s mother is very happy - Marissa´s mother is extremely happy
- I´m very bored - I´m super bored