The program in C++ is as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> nums;
int num;
while(num != -1){
cin>>num; }
for (auto i = nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i){
cout << *i <<endl; }
return 0;
This declares the vector
vector<int> nums;
This declares an integer variable for each input
int num;
This gets the first input
This loop is repeated until user enters -1
while(num != -1){
Saves user input into the vector
Get another input from the user
cin>>num; }
The following iteration print the vector elements
<em> for (auto i = nums.begin(); i != nums.end(); ++i){
<em> cout << *i <<endl; }
Gold chest takes 8 hours to open or unlock.
Clash royale is a game which has been developed and published with the help of a super cell. It is a video game. Many players can play this game at the same time. In the sense, clash royale is a multi player game.
In this game, the players who are playing the game are awarded with the gold chest. They are also awarded with the gems. In order to unlock or open a gold chest eight hours are needed. Apart from this there is an other way also with which the gold chest can be unlocked. It can be unlocked with the help of forty eight gems.
Explanation:IPv4 is almost used up due to the constant increase in devices so therefore IPv6 was implemented to combat this issue, IPv6 uses 128 bit addresses, allowing 3.4 x 1038 unique IP addresses. This is equal to 340 trillion trillion trillion IP addresses. IPv6 is written in hexadecimal notation, separated into 8 groups of 16 bits by the colons, thus (8 x 16 = 128) bits in total. Which essentially means both me and you wont see IPv6 run out in our life times nor will you kids kids.
laughing my ars e off