The correct answer is differences between social work practice and research
Explanation: Even if an area is understood objectively, there are major differences in that area in practice. Often people believe that everything that has been studied will be directly applied, but the truth is that many things of the practice are learned only in practice, questions of experience and other particular questions that only the practice will offer.
Answer: System evaluation
System development life cycle persist system evaluation mechanism in which generated system is evaluated and accessed. This mechanism is followed in different phases of this cycle to keep it up-to date.
- Assessment of proper operation, management ,costing of functions,costing of tools and other equipment involved in system.
- It also monitors consistency,flow, workings, intended output etc.
This question will never be answered and accepted by everyone. It depends on what you believe and what you perceive life as.
hopes this helps,
No, because this is now a bilateral contract
If an offeree/ a promisee has started performing the said work, it becomes a bilateral contract between the offeror/ promisor and the offeree. It cannot be revoked until the completion of the performance.
A contract is an agreement between two or more people that is legally binding to both parties involved. It is usually oral or written and it is mutually bindings obligation. A contract contains the enforcer whicha can be a terms and conditions, an offer, a performance and others.
A bilateral contract is an agreement between two parties whereby both parties agrees to fulfill its own aspect of the bargain. Example is any sales agreement, a work agreement such as i eill pay you $70 dollars if you can supply me 2 crates of egg. A breach of contract is when either of the parties involved in the contract did not fulfilled his or her part of the contract e.g Offer by the promisor not fullfiled or Acceptance/ work by the promisee is not fulfilled.
Alaska is the closest state to 20N 158W
edit: 20n is actually Hawaii i think, Nhallman has it right.