2. The writer, Ovid, chose that image to show that Midas was greedy and was never satisfied with the treasures he already had. That contributes to the point that Ovid is trying to make in his story because it shows that if one is too greedy, they will eventually lose something important to them.
3. At the end of the story, Bacchus has Midas give a reason for him to show him mercy. He does this to make sure that Midas truly understands that what he did was selfish and that he'd be less greedy in the future.
It was agreed that one lantern meant that the troops chose the longer land route and two lanterns meant the shorter route by water.
The answer would actually be false.
Ahmed, who has a soft brow ridge and round chin
Evolutionary psychologists seek to explain here that a male person having particular body features would succumb to a particular kind of behaviour. Here Ahmed who has a soft brow ridge and round chin, which contrasts sharply from the typical square chin and masculine look of a male person, would behave rather effeminate, and would choose to be more complacent with his wife. In this case, "be most interested in sharing child rearing responsibilities with his wife".