The note payable will be presented in the financial statement at the face amount minus a discount calculated at the imputed interest rate.
The imputed rate is the rate at which the present value of the face amount of the note will be equal to the amount at which it is originally recorded.
Notes issued or received in exchange for goods or services that do not bear interest at a fair rate are reported at an amount equal to the fair value of the note, the fair value of the goods or services, or the present value of the note using a fair interest rate, whichever is more readily determinable.
The difference between the recorded amount and the face value is considered a discount and the applicable interest rate regardless of which method is used to value the note.
Because of this, the note is reported at its face amount minus a discount calculated at the imputed interest rate.
The answer is this: employees would feel that their opinions matter if open communication is established between the manager and the employee by removing barriers to communication.
An example to this would be having brainstorming meetings where employees are free to give their ideas. Another option would be by eliminating the need to call the manager using suffixes such as Mr. or Dr.
Follows are the solution to the given points:
In point a:
It must allocate
for both the taxicab and
for the rest of the license, the client list, and the company name registered.
Its cost of intangible material could be amortized for 180 months starting in April.
is her amortization deduction.
She could also use Section 179 to decrease her taxable money to
but include her deduction.
Her taxable annual income is
In point b:
They must allocate
for the taxi and
for their licenses, the customer list as well as the business by interacting with people register. Its cost of the material could be depreciated for 180 months, starting in April.
is her amortization deduction.
The taxable income here 
Section 179 could be requested if another income is earned on the tax return (such as W-2 wages).
As all Section 179 is unpaid with other earned income, it is carried forward into the next year.