Answer and Explanation: The civil war wasn't avoidable because of the disagreement and hate between the North and the South.
Benito Juárez was a Mexican Lawyer and the president of Mexico He was the national hero
Benito fought foreign occupation under the emperor Maximilian and pursued Constitutional reforms
The legions was composed mostly of the roman groups.
Answer: It would have reduced the number of foreign-born people entering the United States.
When an additional requirement for immigration is put in place, it becomes harder for people to qualify. Therefore, less people are able to come into the country.
The bill would not necessarily mean that workers would not be able to find jobs, as many jobs did not require literacy. Moreover, the bill did not apply to people who had already entered the United States. For the same reason, it would not have changed the number of deportations. Finally, the bill would not have necessarily impacted the number of jobs that Americans could access, as this depends on many other factors. The only possible answer is the fourth option.