Mitosis is when a cell divides.
1. Cell
2. cell theory
3. Organismal theory
4. resolving power
The cell is the smallest known unit of all living organisms. They are called the building blocks of life. An organism can be unicellular (made up of one cell) or multi-cellular (made up of many cells).
2. Cell theory was formulated and developed by Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow. They are considered as the basic principles of biology.
It states:
1. Living organisms are made up of cells.
2. Cells are the basic unit of life.
3. Cells are formed from pre-existing cells.
4. Energy flows inside the cell.
5. DNA is passed on from cell to cell.
6. All cells have the same basic chemical composition.
3. Organismal theory is the intended counter-argument of the cell theory. It was developed by Reichert, Strasberger, Sherrington, and Pavlov. It argues that the basic unit of life is the organism itself, suggesting that an organism came about from a cell that expanded.
4. Resolving power is the ability of an optical instrument like a microscope or a telescope to view objects that are close together as separate, abling the viewer to distinguish the two from each other.
Less urine production.
The urine production rate in the Pedialyte group is lower as compare to that of the water group because the presence of K, Cl-, and Na ions. The precise combination of electrolytes and sugars in Pedialyte helps in restoring fluid levels and the nutrients in the body that are lost through sweating, urinating, or vomiting and diarrhea. We know that the presence of sodium ions regulation water and electrolyte balance in the body so there is less urine produced by taking Pedialyte group.
Two examples of how the biosphere supports life is by reducing the amount of harmful radiation to reach the surface of the earth. It also gives oxygen for animals to breathe
Is there a picture with this question? It seems like there's background information which isn't being shown here.
Pedigrees are basically a map of alleles for family trees
______Person1 -- Person2_____
__Person3_ Person 4 Person5 _Person6___
Person7 Person8 Person9 Person10 Person11
And under everyone's name you write their alleles.
Punnett squares give the probability of someone having genes based on their parents' genes.
Parent1 (Aa) or Parent1 (aa)
Parent2 (AA) AA Aa Parent2 (Aa) Aa aa
AA Aa aa aa